A história nos engana – Mestre Moraes (EN)
Includes English Translation and Audio link
Diz tudo pelo contrário
Até diz que aboliçâo
Aconteceu no més do maio
A prova dessa mentira
É que da miséria ou não saio
Viva vinte de novembro
Momento para se lembrar
Não vejo no treze de maio
Nada para comemorar
Muitos tempos se passaram
E o negro sempre a lutar
Zumbi é nosso herói
Zumbi é nosso herói, colega velha
Do Palmares foi senhor
Pela causa de homen negro
Foi ele que mais lutou
A pesar de toda luta, colega velha
O negro nâo se libertou, camara
Says it all instead
Until says the Abolitionism
Happened in the month of May
The Proof of this lie
Is the poverty that do not go
Long live the twentieth November
Moment to remember
I do not see the May 13
Nothing to celebrate
Many times have passed
And it’s always the black struggle
Zumbi is our hero
Zumbi is our hero, old colleague
That was to Lord of Palmares
For the cause of black man
It was he who fought more
In spite of every fight,old colleague
The black is not free, friend
Download A Historia nos engana
What is the meaning of the Capoeira song “A Historia nos engana”?
This is a praise song for Zumbi the leader of “Quilombo dos Palmares” who fought against slavery.
The song protests against the historical fact that princess Isabel of Brazil, abolished slavery. Although she signed the “Golden Law” cancelling abolitionism in Brazil on 13 of May 1888, Meste Moraes claims that slavery stayed and the poverty that remained among black people is the proof of that. Instead of celebrating the 13 of May as the liberation day, the 20 of November is the date to remember – the day where Zumbi, who was the real hero in the eyes of the Brazilian blacks, died.
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