A palma de Bimba (EN)

Includes English Translation and Audio

A palma estava errada
Bimba parou outra vez
bata esta palma direito
a palma de Bimba e um dois tres
olha a palma de bimba

E Um Dois Tres

olha a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

Se voce e devoto de Bimba
na roda ele vai lhe ajudar
mas se nao e sai correndo
que a roda ta aberta e o bicho vai pegar
e a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

e a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

A quadra estava errada
Bimba parou outra vez
cante esta quadra direito
a palma de Bimba e um dois tres
olha a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

A iuna estava errada
Bimba falou outra vez
nao matrate esta ave moleque
e a palma de Bimba e um dois tres
olha a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

A ginga estava errada
Bimba parou outra vez
o ginga bonito moleque
e a palma de Bimba e um dois tres
olha a palma de Bimba

E Um Dois Tres

The claps were wrong
Bimba stopped again
hit those claps right
The claps of Bimba is one two three
look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

If you are a devotee of Bimba
In the roda he will help you
but if not and rushes
the roda is open
and someone will catch you
and the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

The quadra was wrong
Bimba stopped again
sing this quadra right
The claps of Bimba is one two three
look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

The Iuna ​​was wrong
Bimba spoke again
Boy don’t heart this bird
The claps of Bimba is one two three
look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

The Ginga was wrong
Bimba stopped again
Do well Ginga boy
The claps of Bimba is one two three
look the claps of Bimba

It’s  One Two Three

Listen to A palma de Bimba :

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