Fogo de palha (Devagar se chega lá) EN

Includes English Translation and audio

Iniciante,eu entendo a euforia
Logo que você entrou nessa academia
Tenho bem mais tempo
e essa arte ainda me encanta
Mas água demais,até mesmo
mata a planta
Oi devagar se chega lá

Devagar se chega lá
Devagar se chega lá
Devagar se chega lá

primeiro passo
de um longo caminho
vá devagar, vá bem devagarinho
Fogo de palha acaba logo
isso é um fato
E é de grão em grão
que a galinha enche o papo
Oi, devagar se chega lá

devagar se chega lá
devagar se chega lá
devagar se chega lá
tá com pressa de chegar
devagar se chega lá

Beginner,I understand the euphoria
As soon as you entered this academy
I have well over time
and this art still charms me
But too much water
even kills the plant
slowly you will get there

slowly you will get there
slowly you will get there
slowly you will get there

First step
of a long way
go slow, go very slowly
Flash in the pan over soon
that’s a fact
And it grain by grain
the chicken fills her belly
slowly you will get there

slowly you will get there
slowly you will get there
slowly you will get there
You are in a hurry to get there
slowly you will get there

Listen to Fogo de palha :

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