Capoeira Music by Mestre Barrão
- A amizade
- A Licão
- Adeus Besouro (EN)
- Capoeira que pula muita
- Dandara
- E o Som que Me Leva (EN)
- Esperança de ser livre (EN)
- Essa Arte
- Eu não tô nem aí
- Eu vim de angola E (EN)
- Eu vim de Luanda ê
- Filho de Maria
- Hoje a saudade
- Luta Mandingueira
- Mandei benzer meu Berimbau na capela (EN)
- Mundo enganador
- Na Capoeira eu mato a minha saudade
- O som da minha viola tem dendê
- Sinhazinha
- So Vale quem tem
- Sou eu maita (Mestre Barrao)
Mestre Barrão
Marcos da Silva, Mestre Barrão was born in the port city of Recife, on the North East coast of Brazil.In 1974, Marcos began studying Capoeira with Mestre Pirajá. After three years of training with Mestre Pirajá, who eventually left on sabbatical, Marcos went on in 1977 to continue his training with Mestre Teté. In 1979, he began to enter Capoeira competitions throughout North East Brazil and in 1980, Marcos began to teach. Mestre Barrão formed Grupo Axé Capoeira. In 1987, he was graduated to First Degree Master by Mestre Pirajá.
In 1990, Mestre Barrão was invited to demonstrate his art at the International Children’s Festivals throughout North America and eventually found himself in Canada at the Vancouver International Children’s Festival. After spending 1991 teaching in Italy, Barrão decided to immigrate to Canada in 1992 and begin teaching at various locations there.In 1996, he opened Canada’s first Academy of Capoeira.
More About Mestre Barrao at Axe Capoeira website