All Capoeira Songs (corridos)

This section holds thousands of Capoeira songs from all music genres like Regional and Angola, New and tradtional songs. the songs are ordered alphabetically, so, select the desired letter to get lyrics of your requested Capoeira song, or you can just search for songs’ lyrics by using the site’s search box.

Most lyrics have audio links and english translation as well, so you can hear the song while you read the lyrics! Songs that have english translations are marked with EN.

A common issue with Capoeira songs is that they are known by different names, so, if you can’t find a song, try finding it by using the site’s search box.

All Capoeira Corridos songs lyrics A-E:


All Capoeira Corridos songs lyrics F-J:


All Capoeira Corridos songs lyrics L-O:


All Capoeira Corridos songs lyrics P-T:


All Capoeira Corridos songs lyrics U-Z: